Dr. Ashish Patel is a graduate research assistant at the University of Florida. He received his bachelor’s in applied mathematics from UC Berkeley and master’s in civil engineering from CSU Fullerton. He received his doctorate in civil engineering from the University of Florida in December 2023.
His research has focused on the development of cementitious radiation shielding using boron. His main project funding has come from the Department of Energy’s Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA-E). His research interests include early-age cement hydration kinetics, pozzolanic reactivity, neutron shielding, admixture development, and alkali-silica reaction.
Jordan K. Magnuson, Kate D. Weiksnar, Ashish D. Patel, Kyle A. Clavier, Christopher C. Ferraro, Timothy G. Townsend, “Processing municipal solid waste incineration bottom ash for integration into cement product manufacture,” Resources, Conservation, and Recycling, 2023. Published
Ashish D. Patel, Jerry M. Paris, Christopher C. Ferraro, Kyle A. Riding, Eric R. Giannini, Brian Strazisar, “Novel Soluble Boron Compounds to Improve Shielding of Cement Systems,” The 16th International Congress on the Chemistry of Cement, Bangkok, Thailand, September 18-22, 2023. (Paper)
Aileen N. Sarceno, Ashish D. Patel, Christopher C. Ferraro, James E. Baciak, “Calculation of Shielding Properties and Radiation Dose Savings of New Concrete Compositions,” 2023 Symposium on Radiation Measurements and Applications (SORMA XIX), Ann Arbor, MI, USA, May 22-25, 2023. (Presentation)
Ashish D. Patel, Jerry M. Paris, Christopher C. Ferraro, James E. Baciak, Kyle A. Riding, “Boron-based Admixtures For Improved Shielding And Service-Life Extension of Concrete Biological Shields,” Pennsylvania State University Graduate Seminar Invitation, State College, PA, USA, April 14, 2023. (Presentation)
Ashish D. Patel, Aileen Sarceno, Jerry M. Paris, James E. Baciak, Christopher C. Ferraro, Kyle A. Riding, “Boron-Based Admixtures for Neutron Dose Mitigation and Shield Size Reduction,” American Concrete Institute Convention, San Francisco, CA, USA, April 2-6, 2023. (Presentation)