Timothy Mueller is a graduate research assistant at the University of Florida. Prior to attending the University of Florida, he graduated from Valparaiso University with a B.S. in Civil Engineering in 2020. In 2022, he received an M.S. in Civil Engineering from the University of Florida. Timothy has received several awards and scholarships including the Bill & Byron Bushnell Scholar ship Award and the ACI Foundation Scholarship.
During Timothy’s graduate studies he has worked on multiple initiatives including projects related to non-destructive testing (NDT), strain analysis, concrete forensic analysis, and beneficial reuse projects. His main project funding has come from the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) through a grant from the Rural Rail Safety Center at Kansas State University.
Mueller T.K., Al-Kaseasbeh, Q., Al-Qaralleh, M., Rawlinson T.A., Riding, K.A., Ferraro C.C., “Analysis of Concrete Tub At-Grade Railroad Crossing by Field Instrumentation” – Case Studies in Construction Materials, December 2023
Al-Kaseasbeh, Q., Al-Qaralleh, M., Mueller T.K., Rawlinson T.A., Riding, K.A., Ferraro C.C., “Numerical Analysis of At-Grade Crossing Rail Structure” – Journal of Transportation Engineering Part A: Systems (ASCE) – In review
Mueller, T.K., Paris, J.M., Riding, K.A., Ferraro, C.C., Baciak, J.E., “Backscatter Radiography for Crosstie Inspection and Evaluation of Scanning through Tie Plates” – Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A (NIMA) – In review
Barker, T.R., Mueller, T.K., Lucas, V.E., Sarceno, A.N., Baciak, J.E., “Characterizing Modulation Transform Functions for Higher Z Materials” – Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A (NIMA) – In review
Mueller, T.K., Bauman, S, Ferraro, C.C. and Riding, K.A., Evaluation of Rail Shear at Concrete Tub Crossings, American Concrete Institute, Fall National Convention, Orlando, FL March 27-31, 2022
Mueller, T.K., Paris, J.M., Riding, K.A., Ferraro, C.C., and Baciak, J.E.., In Situ Inspection of Railroad Crossties by Lateral Migration Radiography, 2022 International Crosstie & Fastening System Symposium, Urbana, IL May 24-25, 2022
Mueller, T. K., Paris, J.M. , Baciak, J.E., Riding, K.A. , and Ferraro, C.C., Flaw Detection Probability of Railroad Ties Using Backscatter Radiography, International Symposium Non-Destructive Testing in Civil Engineering (NDTCE), Zurich, Switzerland August 16-18, 2022
Mueller, T.K., Bauman, S, Ferraro, C.C. and Riding, K.A., Evaluation of Rail Shear at Concrete Tub Crossings, American Concrete Institute, Fall National Convention, Orlando, FL March 27-31, 2022