Book Chapters
- Ferraro, C.C., Boyd, A.J., Ishee, C.A., Qualification of Repair Materials by Mechanical and Durability Properties, Concrete Under Severe Conditions Volume 1. Editor(s): Castro-Borges, P., Moreno, E.I., Sakai, K., Gjorv, O., Banthia, N., CRC Press, London July 2010
- Boyd, A.J., Ishee, C.A., Ferraro C.C., Chapter 14 – Dimensional Stability and Deformation, The ICE Manual of Construction Materials, Edited by P.A.M., Basheer, Thomas Telford, London, July, 2009
Refereed Publications
- Hayes, J. B., Wang, J., Roessler, J. G., Ferraro, C. C., Wu, C. Y., Deford, D., & Townsend, T. G. (2015). [In-Press] Evaluation of leaching of trace metals from concrete amended with cement kiln baghouse filter dust. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 94, 92-98.
- Ferraro, C.C., Boyd, A.J., Consolazio, G.R.,”Evaluation of Damage to Bridge Piers Using Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity Tomography”, Construction and Building Materials 25th Anniversary Edition Vol. 38, January 2013, pp. 1303-1309
- Shen,Y., Masters F.J., Upjohn, H.III., Ferraro, C.C., ”Experimental Investigation of Fiberglass/Poly-Iso foam composite panels” Composite Structures, Vol 99, pp 419-432, 2013
- Algernon, D., Hiltunen D.R., Ferraro C.C., and Ishee C., ”Rebar Detection with Covermeter and Ultrasonic Pulse-Echo in Combination with an Automated Scanning System” Transportation Research Record: Journal of The Transportation Research Board, 2251 / 2011, pp 123-131
- Lawrence, A.M., Tia, M, Ferraro, C.C., and Bergin, M. ”The Effect of Early Age Strength on Cracking in Mass Concrete Containing Different Supplementary Cementitious Materials: An Experimental and Finite Element Investigation” ASCE Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, Vol. 23, No. 4, April 2012, pp. 362-372
- Hartell, J.A., Boyd A.J., & Ferraro, C.C., ”Sulfate Attack on Concrete: Effect of Partial Immersion” ASCE Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 23(5) 8pp, 2011
- Chen T.C., Ferraro C.C., Yin W.Q., Ishee C.A., Ifju P.G., ”A novel two-dimensional method to measure surface shrinkage in cementitious materials” Cement and Concrete Research, 40(5), pp 687-698, 2010
- Chen T.C., Yin W.Q., Ferraro C.C., Ishee C.A., Ifju P.G., ”Shrinkage Measurement of Concrete Using the Cure-Reference Method” Experimental Techniques, Society of Experimental Mechanics, pp 1-7 September, 2009
- Ferraro C.C., Boyd, A.J., Hamilton, H.R.III ”Detection and Assessment of Structural Flaws in Concrete Bridges with NDT Methods” Journal of Research in Nondestructive Evaluation, ASNT, 18(3), pp 179-192, 2007
- Ferraro C.C., Boyd, A.J., Hamilton, H.R.III., ”The use of Compressed Air for Quality Control in Post-Tensioned Air Ducts” Journal of the Post-Tensioning Institute, 4(1), pp 12-18, 2006
- Boyd, A. and Ferraro, C. ”The effect of curing and deterioration on Stress Wave Velocities in Concrete” ASCE Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 17(2) pp 153-158, 2005
- Cumming S.R., Boyd, A.J., & Ferraro C.C., ”Tensile Strength Prediction in Concrete using Nondestructive Testing Techniques”, Journal of Research in Nondestructive Evaluation, ASNT, 17(4), pp 205-222, 2006
Conference Proceedings
- Nelson, J. Ferraro C.C., Ifju P. Algernon, D., ”Development of an Automated Nondestructive Evaluation System for the Investigation of Concrete Structures” Structural Materials Technology an ASNT Conference, Washington, D.C., August 25-27, 2014
- Nelson J.D., Ferraro C.C, Algernon D., ”The application of Nondestructive Evaluation Techniques to Concrete with Internal Flaws”, Structural Faults and Repair Conference, London, England, July 8-10, 2014
- Hoegh K, Khazanovich L., Ferraro C., Clayton D., ”Ultrasonic Linear Array Validation via Concrete Test Blocks” 41st Annual Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation, Boise, ID, July 20-25, 2014
- Ferraro, C.C., Tia, M, Lawrence, A.M., ”Equivalent Age and Physical Properties of Mass Concrete” ACI Special Publication, Accepted for Publication
- Algernon, D., Hiltunen D.R., Ferraro C.C., and Ishee C., ”Thickness Measurements on Structural Concrete Members with Compact Dimensions Using Ultrasonic Pulse and Impact-Echo” Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2013
- Algernon, D., Hiltunen D.R., Ferraro C.C., and Ishee C., ”Nondestructive Evaluation of Reinforced Concrete Components of Nuclear Power Plants” 8th International Conference on NDE in Relation to Structural Integrity for Nuclear and Pressurized Components, Berlin, Germany September 29-October 1, 2010
- Ferraro C.C., Boyd A.J., and Ishee C.A., ”Qualifications of Repair Materials by Mechanical and Durability Properties” 6th International Conference on Concrete Under Severe Conditions, Environment and Loading, Merida, Yucatan, Mexico, June 7-9, 2010
- Ferraro C.C. and Tia M., ”Measurement of Apparent Activation Energy of Portland Cement Based Materials” International Summit on Cement Hydration Kinetics and Modeling, Quebec Canada, July 27-29, 2009
- Ferraro, C.C, Boyd, A.J., Consolazio, G.R., ”Nondestructive Investigation of Full-Scale Barge Impacts on Bridge Piers”, Structural Faults and Repair Conference, Edinburgh, Scotland, June 13-15, 2006
- Ferraro, C., Boyd, A.J., Najafi, F.T., ”The use of Nondestructive Test Methods in Concrete Materials for Evaluation and Monitoring of Infrastructure” ST-81, Proceedings of 5th Structural Specialty Conference, CSCE, Saskatoon, SK, 10 pp, June 2-5, 2004
Published Reports
- Ferraro C.C., Henika J., Paris J.M., Tibbetts C., Watts B.E., ”Long Life Slab Replacement Project” USF Contract Number 2104-1193-00-A, October, 2014
- Ferraro C. C., Watts B. E ”Development of Design Parameters for Virtual Cement and Concrete Testing” Florida Department of Transportation BDK75 977-73, December, 2013
- Clayton, D., Smith, C., Ferraro C., Nelson, J, Khazanovich, L., Hoegh, K., Chinakunta, S., Popovics, J., Choi, H., Ham, S., ”Evaluation of Ultrasonic Techniques on Concrete Structures”, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, ORNL/TM-2013/430 September 2013
- Report on Nondestructive Test Methods for the Evaluation of Concrete in Structures ACI Committee 228 (228.2-R13) American Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills Michigan, Committee Member, Co-author
- Guide to Design Detailing to Mitigate Cracking ACI Committee 224 (224.4-R13) American Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills Michigan, Committee Member, Co-author
- Hamilton H.R., McCall J., Tsai, Y., Szyniszewski, S., Roske, E, Ferraro, C, ”Key Royale Five Year Bridge Evaluation” Florida Department of Transportation BDK75 977-52, June 2013
- Tia M., Lawrence, A., Ferraro, C., Do, A.T., Chen, Y., ”Pilot Project for Maximum Heat of Mass Concrete” Final Report, Florida Department of Transportation BDK75 977-47, April, 2013
- Ferraro, C., Ishee C, ”Report Changes to Cement Specifications AASHTO M85 and ASTM C 150 Subsequent to Harmonization” FDOT Report No. FL/DOT/SMO/10-536, July 9, 2010, 13 pp
- Hiltunen D.R., Algernon D.R., and Ferraro C.C., ”Validation of Nondestructive Testing Equipment for Concrete” Final Report, Florida Department of Transportation BD545-80, July, 2010
- Tia M., Ferraro C., Lawrence A., Smith S., Ochiai E., ”Development of Design Parameters for Mass Concrete Using Finite Element Analysis” Final Report, U.F. Project 00054863 RPOW#: 60, Contract No: BD545, February, 2010
- Ferraro, C., Malerk, T.O, ”Report of Survey Results Nondestructive Testing Certification” FDOT Report No. FL/DOT/SMO/09-523, February, 11, 2009
- Ferraro, C., Ishee C, ”Report of Survey Results for use of Nontraditional Cements” FDOT Report No. FL/DOT/SMO/08-522, November, 10, 2008
- Ferraro, C., ”Report Investigation of Concrete Repair Materials” FDOT Report No. FL/DOT/SMO/08-513, February, 12, 2008
- Ferraro, C., ”Report of the Investigation of Compressed Air for the Quality Control of Post-Tensioned Ducts” FDOT Report No. FL/DOT/SMO/06-498, May 8, 2006
- Report of Investigation of 78 Stone for the Use as Coarse Aggregate In Prestressed Concrete FDOT Report No. FL/DOT/SMO/05-487, August 26, 2005
- Boyd, A. J., Birgisson, B., Ferraro, C., Cumming, S., ”Nondestructive Testing for Advanced Monitoring and Evaluation of Damage in Concrete Materials” Florida Department of Transportation. BC 354-57, August 2005